裝修 Renovation and Design Service:
迷你倉 Remote Extra Storage for Home:
家具店 Furnitures:
二手家具店 Used Furnitures:
家居保險 Home Insurance:
- AIA HK Agent 微信号 oiczhczh
Urgent Services:
- 24 Hours LockSmith whatsapp / phone: +852 9231 6853
Other Estate Services:
- 中電
https://www.clp.com.hk/en/residential/open-electricity-account-residential/apply-electricity-name-transfer Hotline 26782678 - 煤氣客戶中心 Tel: 2880 6988 (1418 to open a new account) or towngas.cs@towngas.com Regular check: https://eservice.towngas.com/en/SelfService/BookMainAppointment
- 水務處申請開戶或轉名 www.wsd.gov.hk (131011) Tel: 2824 5000 Form: wwo1c Email: wsdinfo@wsd.gov.hk
There are emergency situations that we might not able to handle instantly, you may need to contact the following parties:
Hong Kong Police: 999
Water Department: 28245000
CLP (Electricity in Kowloon): 27288333 CS: 26782678
Hong Kong Electric (Electricity in HK Island): 28873411
Towngas: 28806988
Please stay calm and compare 2 or 3 locksmiths to decide
獅子山開鎖 55855888
旺角佳记: 94888169
太子树记: 94790651/98622598
Sheung Wan: 25415077
Kennedy Town: 94960351
Building Management Office:
June Garden Management Office (JGT4): 23902033
Wing Yu Building (SWWY): 25449804
Hang Lok Building (SWHL): 35270273
Sheung Wan Professional Engineering Co.: 91958341
Shek Tong Tsui Yau Koo: 98811168
Other Documents: