香港宽频 (家居上网/流动电话) x Morris Property 港币 100 Discount
HKBN (Home Internet / Mobile) x Morris Property HKD 100 Discount
(Before 20 September 2017)
The Subscriber must register designated Broadband and/or Mobile Services plan(s) on or before 30 September 2017.登記人必須於2017年9月30日或之前登記指定之寬頻及/或流動通訊服務計劃。
马上登記! Subscribe Now! 》》》》
For successful referral for a contract plan of 12 months or above, account rewards will be granted to the Subscriber 2 months after the successful activation of the new subscribed Broadband and/or Mobile Service.
For successful contract plan of less than 12 months, account rewards will be granted to the Subscriber 6 months after the successful activation of the new subscribed Broadband and/or Mobile Service.
Account rewards will be forfeited, if :
- Subscriber terminates or ports out the service in less than 2 months (12 months or above contract plan), or 6 months (for less than 12 months contract plan) after service activation
- 登記人於新登記服務計劃生效後兩個月(12個月或以上合約計劃) / 六個月內(少於12個月合約計劃) 終止有關服務或攜號轉台至其他流動服務供應商
All account rewards are not convertible into cash. In cases where the account rewards exceed the monthly bill amounts, the reward balance will be carried forward to the next month’s bill. If there is outstanding reward balance in the account when the customer terminates services, the reward will be forfeited.